This is most noticeable in the chest region but I smoothed out everywhere else as well.

I heavily edited the normal maps so that now when your character's weight is at 0, or you have high values of samuel, there's less muscle definition. The same is true sides of the body, and the hip/groin region. I reduced the specular lighting here to reduce some seams. With certain ENBs the specular lighting on the hands and feet were too high, and as a result created a seam. Vector's original genital texture was meant to match up with Bethesda's, creating a seam, now it should be mitigated. I copied over the pink toned flesh that ShinglesCat put on the palms and soles in her newer version of her textures, and put them in here. I also added toe nails that were used from the hand mesh, personally I use a set of toe claws I modified so I don't even notice it anyways. The belly button is just simple shading I did, but the nipples are from the Lykaios Race by KrittaKitty.

SAM's body mesh has them modeled in, so I figured I would add them. I also added shading for a belly button and nipples. This was more noticeable on the smooth texture, so that's where I focused the work. There's some lighter color sections that didn't match up, I did some cloning to close that seam a bit. I tweaked the smooth and striped diffuse textures to remove some seams along the inner leg. I included them only because they are no longer available on SC - Khajiit Improvement, and the body textures simply won't match with anything otherwise. I included facial textures, but I didn't edit them. Bear in mind I'm not a texture artist, so the work isn't going to be 100% perfect, but I hope it's acceptable. Generally the edits are subtle, but hopefully noticeable, mostly fixing seams and so on. I originally did some edits and uploaded them to the Hall of Torque, but they no longer host mods I was in the process of doing some edits for myself so I decided to upload a newer package here. However, those were never really destined for the SAM body shape, so there were several inconsistencies when you used it. It uses the textures that are already included in the base download (made by SinglesCat). (will add more to this if I forget some, which I probably will).To say that this is a retexture isn't entirely true. So here’s a list of non-skimpy armor sets. There are TONS of Skyrim armor mods out there, but if you go by first glance you’d think every single one of them is bikini armor or otherwise skimpy in some way.